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Little Miss, Arribelle Hernandez, and Miss Friona, Kitzy Welch, helped Santa as he spent close to three hours with kids taking photos and reading letters in the Depot at the Christmas in the Park event Monday evening. It looks like the elves have some work to do before they will get any presents from Santa. See Christmas in the Park photos in our photo section.

Edna at the Post Office helped the Friona Star package the Santa letters and get them in the mail to the North Pole.

Town Talk

Music to Our Ears - Thanks to WT Services providing Wi-Fi in the city park for the Christmas in the Park festivities on Monday evening. It allowed Christmas music to be played during the entire event.


Prairie/Legacy News - Beverly Hall is the Prairie Acres Resident of the Month for December. The Employee of the Month for December is Issac Eubanks who works in the nursing department and has been on staff since February of 2022.


Schedule A Tea Time - A new Christmas tradition is being launched in Hereford with a series of holiday high teas at the historic E.B. Black House. Morning and afternoon high tea will be served at the Black House at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. December 9th &10th and 16th & 17th. Contact the Deaf Smith Chamber at 806-364-3333 to make reservations for high tea as soon as possible. Admission for the festivities is $25.


Time 2 Laugh - (1) How many times can you subtract 10 from 100? Once. The next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90. (2) Why did the M&M go to school? It wanted to be a Smartie. Source: https://www.rd.com/list/short-jokes.


Setting the Agenda - Representatives Jodey Arrington (TX-19) and Chip Roy (TX-21) are hosting a press conference at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 8th with Republican members of the Texas delegation to unveil their border security agenda, "A Commitment to Secure the Border, a Framework by Texans for Texas," for the 118th Congress.


On the Horizon - There are multiple projects in the works for 2023. Phase 3 of the Ashland building project is getting ready to start as well as the housing project just west of Legacy Pointe. O'Reilly's Auto Parts is on schedule to build their new store. Remodeling of the Modern Study Club building is underway. Also two daycare centers are being planned as well as a cardboard recycling facility. Stay tuned.


Sick and/or Tired - Many students and teachers have missed school the past few weeks because of the many illnesses going around. Up to 80 or more students have been absent at the Elementary School.



Friona Fire Department Presents Awards

The Friona Volunteer Fire Department held its annual Christmas Party last Saturday night at the Friona Senior Citizens Center. Hens & Fins of Lubbock catered the meal for the attendees which included fire fighters, family, friends, and invited guests.

Fire Chief Danny Campbell presented various service pins and announced that the recipient of the Ralph Shirley Award for 2022 Friona Fire Fighter of Year was Gary Stowers. Gary was unable to attend the event.

Special awards were also presented to Chuck Teague and Glenn Reeve.

Chuck is retiring after 30 years of service and Glenn Reeve was recognized for his 67+ years of service. The special awards were handmade by fire department members and brothers Jim Taylor and John Taylor.

The Friona Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank everyone for their support during the past year including the gun raffle. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Fire Chief Danny Campbell and Glenn Reeve

Fire Chief Danny Campbell and Chuck Teague