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Links for Thursday, March 22, 2018:

NewsTown TalkScholarshipsBlankenship

Former Friona resident honored for services in healthcare

Amy Blankenship is a Friona graduate, and has been working with BSA for 29 years. Last year, Blankenship was recognized as a 2017 BSA Nurse of the Year and also received a Daisy Award for her outstanding services and actions.

“The hospital received a mother in critical condition and she was brought to the Cardiac Cath Lab for an emergency procedure. Amy, along with the other Cath Lab staff, worked diligently to care for her. The decision was made to transfer the patient to another hospital by airplane. The Apollo flight team did not feel comfortable caring for a patient with this condition, so they asked for a nurse to go with them. Amy quickly offered to go. She set aside personal obligations and ensured her calls would be covered while she was gone in order to provide the patient with a safe transfer. Amy’s compassion for her patients and their safety is extraordinary. She went beyond her normal shift hours and immediately went back on call upon her return. Amy is what Daisy nurses are all about.”

Amy Blankenship