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Links for Thursday, February 27, 2014:

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Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

The St. Teresa’s Catholic Church Mexican dinner is Sunday March 2 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the parish hall. Beef enchiladas, rice, beans, tacos, chips, salsa, dessert, coffee or tea, all for $10 adults and $5 kids under 10 years. The St. Teresa ladies make the best salsa in the Panhandle, maybe in the world. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. I will definitely see you there.


The Friona Methodist Church lunch last Sunday to benefit King’s Manor Assisted Living in Hereford raised more than $3,500. Those attending said the food was generous and great. The church says thanks to everyone who attended.


Friona resident DaLinda Black has accepted a position with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office in Haskell County. Dalinda will be the Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Services. She formerly operated the Caterpillar Clubhouse Daycare Center here and was featured as the Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month for February. She is having a moving sale this weekend at 811 Pierce. Good luck DaLinda and daughter Trinity in your new career.


Tommy Jones has always been a big NASCAR fan. His son-in-law Deon Harkey got a couple of tickets to the Daytona 500 from his boss and invited his 83-year-old father-in-law Tommy to his first NASCAR race. Tommy and Deon were there for the first 38 laps when it started raining. They got soaked going to the car and along the way Deon lost his cellphone. They figured the race would be completed on Monday so they left. But the race was restarted 6 ½ hours later, near midnight. At least Tommy got a taste of NASCAR.


Still in the Jones family, Tommy’s son Joe Jones has retired, sold his dental practice and his home in Center, Texas and plans to retire to Santa Fe, New Mexico sometime in March. Enjoy your retirement Joe. I’ll still be here working.


Former Friona residents Mike and Claudia Hanes celebrated their 35th anniversary this week. They’ve been enjoying life on Lake Kiowa for several years now. Walter and Martha Schueler celebrated their 63rd anniversary this week.


Amy Cook is back in Dallas this week for another try at her knee replacement surgery. She has had a long, hard road when her first knee replacement operation did not take so well. Her husband Fred said she will be in Dallas for a few weeks and they think this knee surgery will go well. Thoughts and prayers to Amy and Fred and family. Amy needs to get back to work in the high school library.


The Valentine King and Queen at Friona Heritage Estates are John and Lavon Renner. See their photo on this page. Former Friona resident Jeanette Thurman is a new resident at Heritage Estates. She moved from King’s Manor Assisted Living in Hereford. Also our new PMC doctor, Dr. Gary Webb’s 89-year-old mother is a new resident of Heritage Estates.


Bovina is planning a Cinco de Mayo celebration on Saturday May 3. Information about booths is available from Sonia Enriquez 806-240-1003 or Lory Saenz 806-251-1317 x226. Parade information available from Rocio Carrasco 806-297-7352. Mark your calendar.


I took a drive out to the city’s north water well site with city manager Patricia Phipps Monday. The one-million gallon tank has been drained, cleaned out, and repainted on the inside. It is pretty weird walking inside a one-million gallon water tank. The next step is cutting off the top of the tank and installing a new top. That task is underway as workers were unloading material to get to the top of the tank. It was windy out there on CR 19 (Cemetery Road). Makes my newspaper job look a lot better.


Thoughts and prayers to Leslee and Jason Floyd this week for a successful kidney transplant operation in Dallas. Jason is donating the kidney. They have been married 20 years and have three children. You can follow their experience on Facebook at The Floyd Family’s Transplant Journey.


The National Cotton Council is scheduling a series of meetings in 15 states to explain the farm bill. The closest ones to Parmer County will be March 18 at 2:00 p.m. in Muleshoe at the Bailey County Electric Co-Op and March 19 at 2:30 p.m. in Amarillo at the AgriLife Extension Center, 6500 Amarillo Blvd West. The Cotton Council PR guy is Cotton Nelson (no kidding). You can contact him at


This time one year ago we were covered in 9” of snow and 19” in Amarillo. I would like to hear and smell rain for several days. Snow is nice but rain is easier to drive in.


Looking forward to Taco Bell’s waffle taco coming out the end of March. Looks like a tasty breakfast burrito with syrup. Don’t forget to get your Chamber banquet tickets. Busy week next week. I’m sure I’ll see you somewhere. Until then!
