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Links for Thursday, July 11, 2013:

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Cheeseburger cooking and car show coming up

The annual Cheeseburger Cook-Off and Festival will be held Saturday July 20 at the Friona city park, sponsored by the Friona Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. Musician Kris Gordon and his band will be performing live.

Cheeseburger Cook-Off teams will be competing for $1,000 and $300 in prize money. For cook-off team or vendor booth forms see the chamber website,

Cheeseburgers will be served to the public beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $7.00 for a cheeseburger and chips. Each bracelet has tabs for a ¼ cheeseburger serving from the different cook-off sites.

Vote for People’s Choice burgers by placing dollars in designated cans at each cook-off site. One dollar equals one vote. The money contributed will go to the Parmer County Cancer Coalition.

Deadline for cook-off entries and vendor booths is July 12. Among the vendors, the Friona Noon Lions will be selling their world famous french-fries. There will be a cheeseburger eating contest at a time to be announced. The eating contest will be limited to 10 participants. There is no cost to enter. Forms to enter are available at the Chamber office, 621 Main St. or at the park the day of the cook-off.

The Cheeseburger Festival Car and Motorcycle show will be held on 7th St. next to city park. Entry fee is $20.00. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. Registration forms are available at the chamber website. Each vehicle entrant will receive one free cheeseburger with registration.

Trophies will be awarded for People’s Choice 1st and 2nd, Best of Parmer County, and motorcycle trophies will be given for best stock and best custom and people’s choice.

For more information call Louise Degollado at 806-363-3221 or the Chamber office at 250-3491. Come and join the fun. There will be something for all ages.