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Links for Thursday, September 29, 2016:

NewsObituaryTown TalkSheriff's Night OutChiefsSquawsFootball Contest

Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

Official weather guy John Gurley has been silent the last few days. Not much rain to report, plus he was basking in Galveston last week. Just as well since it did not rain anyway. Temperatures were low enough Monday morning that I turned on my heat for the first time.


SnakPak4Kids says they are no longer accepting peanut butter and Pop Tarts. They are concerned about liability in the event of a product recall. They will be substituting grain bars and continue to welcome volunteers on Thursdays at the Methodist Church for the weekly packing of the backpacks. They always welcome money donations.


Congratulations to Melvin and Linda Smith. They celebrated their 37th anniversary September 22. We wish you many more.


The FHS Speech and Drama organization will be holding a meat sale. If you are interested in ordering contact Katherine Thompson at (806) 250-3951 or ask any speech and drama student. All orders must be turned in by October 16.


Have you taken advantage of Subway’s buy one get one free footlong deal? They are running a coupon in the Star. Deal is good till October 31. Check it out and enjoy.


Josh Barnett has been accepted as a member of the Freshman Representative Council (FRC) at Oklahoma State University. FRC is a group of the Top 50 incoming freshmen on OSU’s campus selected to serve and represent the freshmen class through legislation, philanthropy, and other various opportunities. Josh is majoring in Aerospace Engineering at OSU.


Early voting is October 24-November 4, 2016. You can early vote Monday-Friday at the County Clerk’s Office in Farwell from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Early voting in Friona will be available October 24 & 27 &31 & November 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Friona Interbank.

In Bovina early voting will be available October 25 and November 1 at First Bank Bovina during banking hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Mark your calendar and be sure to vote.


Flu shots will be given at the Senior Citizen Center Thursday October 6 from 11:00 a.m. to1:00 p.m. The Charge is covered by Medicare. Bring your Medicare card and driver license. Without Medicare the cost is $29.00. Medicaid does not cover the shots at the Senior Center but will cover the cost at the Friona clinic.


Friona junior high’s fall open house is Tuesday October 4 from 5:15-6:00 p.m. A Title I meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m.


FHS seniors and parents are invited to a financial aid planning night Monday October 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Representatives from Panhandle Plains Student Loan Center will present important college financial information.


Medicare & You 2017 arrived this week. The annual book is sent to all Medicare recipients about this time every year. I might at least scan through it before tossing my Medicare & You 2016 book and replacing it with the current edition where it will remain on my bookshelf until the Medicare & You 2018 book arrives.


The Friona ISD October school calendar is elsewhere in this Star. Cut it out, put it on your fridge and keep up with all of the fall school activities. It is a busy time for students and their parents.


The monthly Coffee Break for Caregivers will be held Friday October 7 at the First National Bank community room. Coffee and donuts at 9:30 a.m. and meeting at 10:00 a.m. Rhonda Sanders of Bluebonnet Home Health and Hospice will share ideas for positive social work related to healthcare. All caregivers are invited to attend.


That giant green piece of equipment behind the former credit union building on 6th St. is a generator. The building will be remodeled into the police department and the generator will keep the PD running in event of a power outage. Once the police department moves the fire department will take over the building.


Former Friona resident and FHS graduate Rusty Peace is an organ donor coordinator in the Fort Worth area. He will be attending a one-week Advanced Coordinator Training Course at the University of Barcelona in Spain, then continue his training online in the spring and fall. Rusty works with organ donor families and is involved in all aspects of the organ donor recovery process.


From the looks of our calendar October will be a busy month. Lot of events to cover so we better go rest for a while. Send us your news. We always like to hear from you. Until then!
